Disclaimer: This is my personal view from personal experiences and not meant to hurt anyone.
I have immense respect for people with a good conscience irrespective of religion, caste, creed & colour.
Constantly in search for the meaning of life, my mind wanders in endless directions. A quest that has turned normal human beings into saints and gods but no answers have yet been found, or at least I think it has not been found. Claimed to have been discovered by the greats like Buddha, Mahavira or Guru Nanak, Mohammed and others, it probably never percolated down to the masses. Or maybe we are not intelligent enough to understand their visions and words.
I know we should never say never but whatever, I can never get myself to be religious.
With my limited human intelligence and within the scope of, say about 30-40% of the vocabulary of great Oxford dictionary that gives me limited meaning of everything in life; I have decided to believe that I am spiritual, whatever that means to people. For me, it is being able to close my eyes and meditate, go into a zone of nothingness, tranquil, some peace of mind. I respect the fact that we are all here and now. I just believe that I am one of the numerous living beings on this earth who will spend some time (if ever we can define time in its real sense) and that I shall live by what my heart tells me.
I believe in an unknown supernatural power (don't all religion point to know-all/ see-all/ one-who-can't-be-seen/ Nirakaar/ Param-bramhm etc. etc.) yet I don't believe the existing religions of this world. I don't understand the fanaticism associated with religion and I cannot distinguish between people based on their religion, caste, creed or colour. At the same time, paradoxical as it may seem, I pray to all the known Gods whenever I pass by one or when I feel the need to communicate internally. This maintains my sanity in a more earthly manner. I believe I am genetically hard-wired with subconscious and hidden messages and programs through centuries of indoctrination of beliefs and fear of the unknown. I fight against these deep subliminal programs but they surface from time to time defying all logic. For example, the anxiety that drives me to pray when a loved one is not keeping well. On other days, I think if praying helped, this world would never lose a soul. It helps me connect with other people well. I also feel it is because our is pre-filled with subliminal messages passed down from our ancestors and their beliefs and the rest of our biases acquired by the grooming & surroundings since birth.
However, to be honest and true to myself, I don’t like religion because it divides.
RELIGION DIVIDES!! No two ways about it. (I won’t change my mind even if God comes and tells me to) It is a shame that we humans even after having evolved as the brainiest (or are we?) of all beings still indulge in vague ritualistic religions. Be it Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs or Jews, all are out to prove that they are the best(some more than the others.
I have a sincere question, what does a human being want in a lifetime? And if I may answer it myself; it is Roti, Kapda & Makaan…thereafter a peaceful and happy time with the family and later, if you please, become spiritual and think about how we came to being and the questions of beyond. I don't see any answers in any religion. All the stories (whatever I have read or has been passed on to me from the local messengers) that have emanated from the Great Prophets - Messengers of the Gods from time immemorial fail to convince me. I find hordes of people praying five times a day, ringing the bells in the temples, sitting and swaying to the bhajans and then coming out and lying, indulging in bad behaviour and corruption. I truly believe that if one’s conscience is clear, one doesn’t need a relay mechanism to GOD. Having visited many of the sacred religious sites, I cannot help but say that it is huge business run with the total absense of religiousness/spirituality.
Almost all the religious leaders, from whatever I have seen, are farcical and more so are their coterie of disciples (a personal view from personal experience, I shall be happy to change it on the basis of more experience). Calling themselves Babas, Maulanas, Priests, Sadhus etc and away from Moh-Maya, they sit on golden thrones, eat the best food possible, wear silk & satin gowns, travel by air & sit in AC and preach to the people to give up all the moh-maya. Yeah right! Give it to them. They are power hungry, controlling, unethical, surrounded by the hordes of lecherous disciples who drink, smoke and eat all that is forbidden and are eager to relieve you of your control over yourself. I am yet to meet a genuine spiritual person who shall change my mind. (Maybe I am too stubborn, adharmi and with no knowledge)
All the problems in this world since time immemorial have started because of the colored vision of religion, class, colour and caste. Disasterous wars have been fought, crusades have been launched and generations have been kept in reservations (jails) to convert people from their faith to another. Just opening the mind and embracing simplicity will help us. An upbringing which teaches that all humans are born equal, will solve a lot of our problems. I just wish everyone talks to each other politely, smiles and spreads love. The Time has come to set aside our beliefs and baggage from the past, flush out the negative thoughts, let loose the goodness which is stuck somewhere deep in our hearts and is screaming to get out, arm ourselves with a smile, allow to run free a stream of good words and feelings and spread happiness around us.
The Time Has Come!!Please Change...The World Will Change, If We Do!!
Say: "The world will change if "I" do", Shakil. Never say "we".
No, it's not being divisive... It's just that you can't include others with you; they'll never be able to understand "YOUR" vision.* And, so the story goes on...
*(Just like Budha, Mahavir, Jesus, Muhammad, Nanak were never really understood...)
Got the drift..thanks buddy!
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